Sunday 24 November 2013


Another one of the initial five responsive briefs outlined at the start of the module was the UNreported ‘Free The Arctic 30’ competition brief. Unlike other briefs that were reviewed this one listed a strange and very open form for the outcome, simply asking for a ‘Protest piece’ to help raise awareness of the campaign.  The open nature of the outcome allowed me to adapt brief to suit my practice, producing a printed, illustrative outcome. Additionally, another reason the brief was appealing is because its purpose is to raise awareness for an ethical issue, as a designer with an ethically driven practice this makes the competition relevant and appealing to my practice.

After collecting a body of research and defining a final concept I started creating the illustration choosing to do so by hand, as a designer I have always found it easier and quicker to complete preliminary designs and illustrations by hand and so it is something I put into practice regularly. Moreover, the brief presented me with the chance to develop my skills in Adobe Photoshop as I had to render my outcome to make it look like a paste-up piece of artwork. The rendering aspect of the project was an important part of the development process as it helped to give the illustration context in the environment it would hypothetically be placed in.

A problem encountered while completing the brief was the loss of colour information during the displacement map process. To ensure that the illustration looked like a convincing paste-up piece of artwork I applied a displacement map to render some subtle paper creases onto its surface. However, during this process there was a loss of colour information which subsequently changed the illustrations aesthetic. In future projects a complete understanding of the Photoshop processes applied will help to surpass any similar problems. 

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