Wednesday 26 February 2014


At the start of the session we were spit into small groups to which we had around five minutes to present our current progression with study task two. 

The study task asked us to focus and finalise our research and prepare a mock-up version of the booklet that we are producing ready for the criticism. Unfortunately, due to the direction that my research has progressed in I haven't yet finalised my research to a standard where I can consider producing the booklet. 

During the criticism I explained the focus of my research so that members of the group could understand the decisions made regarding the form and aesthetics of the booklet. I presented a few mocked up pages with the introduction I have composed along side some illustrations. However this was far from final and served only as a way of visually communicating points about my aesthetic decisions.

After presenting to the group I noted down any feedback that was given. Furthermore, after everyone in the group had presented we walked round the table reviewing any booklet mock-ups and  giving further feedback.

The feedback sheet from the session is displayed below;


Areas for improvement;

Look at the art surrounding alchemy.

  • I have already looked at alchemy art in detail. However, as I did not present my research or a finished mock-up members of the critique group could not have known this.

Think carefully about the layout of the content - a consistent & easy to follow layout will help with the communication of information.

  • When designing my final outcome I plan to develop a range of layouts that will then be applied consistently throughout the booklet. However, before doing so I want all my type and image based content organised ready for placement, this will allow me to see how much content I am working with when composing pages. 

Play around with layout - modernise the design slightly to appeal to current readers.

  • The mock-up page spreads presented during the critique where displayed with the function of giving context to the type of aesthetic that the booklet will achieve. As the outcome will utilise alchemy woodcut prints produced over 300 years ago the aesthetic image created does look dated. Furthermore, this old-looking aesthetic  may not engage the modern audience that the outcome is aimed at. Therefore, I will apply refined modern layouts along side a hierarchy of modern typefaces to give the aesthetic a more modern appearance. 


  • You could hollow out the book by cutting individual pages - links to aesthetics - could make space to place ORMUS bottle.
  • The book could be hidden inside another book.
  • Use decorative fleuron type illustrations - Leo has a book containing some.
  • Think of ways the book could be packaged in relation to the booklets content.
  • Consider how to present scientific proof fairly and equally throughout the publication.
  • Consider applying finishing methods such as foiling and wax stamping.


After receiving and analyzing the feedback I formed an action list of tasks to help me progress from the session. 

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