Tuesday, 25 February 2014


At the start of the session we were briefed about the one day project that we were going to complete. After the briefing we were given a digital project pack containing all of the information about the task, the outlined body copy, logos and icons and a set of design limitations. 

When working in the design industry we will receive similar projects, with outlined limitations and a lack of design freedom that we often have when working on our own personal projects. Moreover, as we were already had all the visual props and body copy we were left to focus on composing the information and images in a functional, engaging way.

Below is the word document containing the project background, brief and body copy;

Like a real brief we were also set a collection limitations to consider while producing the outcome.

  • The flyer must be A5 and portrait.
  • All of the information such as the titles, date and copy must be induced on the final design.
  • The logos from all supporting companies must be included.
  • Only black and white may be used on the flyer.


Below is the flyer that I produced in response to the first task.

Jackson Rising - Flyer.


After a short break we were tasked with producing a supporting concertina folding booklet for the event. Similarly to the task before we were given all of the logos, body copy and artist images, so the only task in had is to create a functional layout and produce the design.

Below is the word document containing the specifics of the booklets production;

When designing the booklet I had to consider a range of things to ensure that the design was successful and formed a strong visual theme with the flyer that was initially produced.


  • How will I balance the images and text to form a functional, flowing composition.
  • What typefaces form an appropriate hierarchy with the outlined 'Jackson Rising' logo.
  • How will I create consistency with the flyer to form a strong visual theme?
  • What graphics will be used to create a visually engaging final piece.

Below is the booklet that was produced in response to the second task;


Some shots showing the pages of the booklet in more detail;


First and second page.

Myame Kratz spread.

Jenny Dowd - Final spread.

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