Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Part 1

Your Design for web brief is asking you to design a web site using existing material / content. Within this session you are being asked to identify the following:
  1.    What is your subject matter
  2.    What are you trying to communicate?
  3.    Who will be / could be your audience or ‘end-user’?
  4.    What will be the most appropriate / effective form of content?
  5.    What is the function & Purpose?
What ‘sector’ / Industry you would be designing for (For example):
  1.   Pharmaceutical
  2.   Health & Wellbeing
  3.   Sport & fitness
  4.   Music Industry
  5.   Travel & Tourism
You will be required to work within pairs or groups of 3. You will be required to make mind maps, linear plans and notes in order to reflect back on your blog to analyse the session. This should identify and provide a foundation to start researching and drawing up ideas.

At the start of the session we were split into small groups of around three people. We then went through part one of the task creating mind-maps in response to each of the set questions seen above.

Below are some images displaying my responses to the set questions.

Upon completing part one of the task I discussed my initial ideas with the group, they were very enthusiastic about my skateboard timeline idea, which evidently is also my favorite concept. 

After receiving some good feedback on the timeline idea I decided to select it as the concept that I will carry forwards into the second part of the task.

Part 2

Begin to gather ideas how you can articulate your ideas into a workable informal brief, basically your telling us what you aim to design, why, when for and how.
This brief will be there to contextualise your intended motivation / design response / focus of the project.

Below are my responses to the second part of the task;

At the end of the session we were set a small task;

Bring five printed examples of good websites, prints must be full colour and A4 in size.


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